Inaugural Director of the Houston Center and Chief Diversity Officer

Dr. Carmel Saad

Westmont has named Dr. Carmel Saad, a psychology professor at the college since 2012, as the inaugural director of the Carol Houston Center for Justice, Reconciliation and Diversity and Westmont’s first chief diversity officer. 

“Carmel will play a vital role at Westmont,” says President Gayle D. Beebe. “In our current social and economic climate, we see a growing need for broader conversations and initiatives that lead to deeper awareness and understanding. Healthy institutions are learning how to embrace the diversity of its members as part of our core competency as Christians and citizens. Research demonstrates that including diverse viewpoints leads to richer discussions, more innovative products, more creative ideas, better decisions and stronger, healthier organizations."


Why Did We Choose Micah 6:8?

Micah 6:8 is a verse commonly cited to compel people to act in times of injustice: “Do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God.” This is why Westmont chose this verse as the name of our site that references our work of justice, reconciliation and diversity. Our objective? Ongoing growth as we seek to become a more reconciling community.

These pages on Westmont’s Micah 6:8 site describe our work around justice, reconciliation, and diversity. Each section carries information that is important to us as an institution. Yet our work is unfinished. We continue to strive to be a more reconciling community, to better understand how we could do better, to listen to each other and the Lord, and to be responsive in our thou